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SI is a Catholic, Jesuit school, so we are dedicated as much to students' spiritual development as their academic and social development.

We recognize that students' faith, whatever form it takes, is an important element of who they are at core, and we encourage students of all faith backgrounds to examine their own religious feelings and beliefs, develop a well-informed conscience, and learn to articulate their personal faith.


Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam, for the greater glory of God, is the motto of the Society of Jesus. You will find the A.M.D.G. abbreviation throughout the school because we believe that we are at our best when we are loving, generous, and act for the greater glory of God.

The Prayer of St. Ignatius

Lord, teach me to be generous,
teach me to serve you as you deserve,
to give and not to count the cost,
to fight and not to heed the wounds,
to toil and not to seek for rest,
to labor and not to seek reward,
save that of knowing I do Your will.